Thursday, 18 August 2011

Hiring & Profiting From The Offshore Software Development

If companies want to elevate their competition in the market then it is smart to choose offshore software development services. Because of the global economical crisis, the IT managers are in need to find the most affordable means of software development services. Today's businesses are facing the tough competition in the market and to sustain in this competition, they have to use the latest IT infrastructure in their business. Global crisis has forced IT professionals to empower the trend of offshore software outsourcing.

IT Outsourcing

Offshore software outsourcing

However, this is not the only parameter who has played vital role in increasing the global demand of offshore software development. There are other parameters like low rates offered by the offshore software development companies, increasing communication facility like internet platform etc. World wide web provides lots of means of communication between the offshore country and overseas clients. Company who has opted for IT outsourcing can communicate with the offshore development center via emails, messengers, live video chat over VOIP protocol and via personalized chat support software. If the offshore software outsourcing company has developed its own software to chat and transact files with clients then project tracking becomes very easy and secure.

Furthermore, with the technological advancement it is possible to log in to remote PC via a software and administrate the projects. Because of this technological advancement like internet, the developers from developing countries like India, China and Russia got the opportunity to learn the innovative tools, new programming languages and skills and finally become capable to drive the global IT outsourcing market. India is leading in the outsourcing market because of its highest developers resource, effective communication skill in widely used global language “English”, quality development services, professionalism and competitive rates. The companies from Europe, US, UK etc. have realized the fact that instead of investing in IT infrastructure in their own country and paying high wages to domestic developers in the tough economy, it is wise to employ the service of offshore software development company.

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Software Outsourcing in India is a Solid Industry with Passion and Commitment

Outsourcing per se is an economical phenomenon that has come into being to reap the benefits of quality work at cheap rates. After Adam Smith's book called “The Wealth of Nations,” the world has changed its perspective regarding work and rates. Hence, in this changed perspective, India has emerged as the hot destination for offshore software outsourcing. Software outsourcing in India is popular because it provides quality work at a significantly competitive rates. Umpteen of software development companies in India have been able to grasp the idea of the outsourcing quickly and therefore, outsourcing sector has flourished to its peak in India. Apart from grasping the concept of outsourcing quickly, India has pool of talents that can deliver the desired results with timeliness and accuracy.

With the privatization in India, it was proved that Indian software development company can stand the global competition and this shifted the focus of global community on India. In earlier phase, the areas of offshore software outsourcing in India were billing, customer service, data entry, software development, internet marketing, SEO etc. It was also due to tempting tax benefits back home that drove the foreign companies outsource their work to India and this way offshore software outsourcing has become the way of life in Indian economy. But, as the evolution too is the way of life, it was realized that instead of setting up sister companies, it was much more better to outsource their work to all those companies that were taking up offshore software outsourcing in India. This would save the foreign companies from setting up and spending money on infrastructure and maintenance of the same. In order to control the operations, most of all the outsourcing countries made it a point to appoint an executive from the parent company to work with those outsourcing companies. This would then also make the operations smooth and transparent.